Non-Attorney Family Law Mediation Services

for California Dissolutions (Divorce)

& Other Family Law Matters

Mediation optimizes options. There are many reasons to elect mediation over litigation—the emotional and financial cost—to name a few. Mediation fosters and promotes the parties’ relationship, provides parties with direct rather than in-direct input into agreements, and provides a base of understanding for the overall needs of both parties. Some mediation clients prefer to have consulting or retained attorneys, financial experts, appraisers and/or therapists which can be an optimal mediation model in more complex cases. When cases are more straightforward; in situations where the parties are well-informed about assets, liabilities and income; and/or where parties already have a clear sense of how they wish to structure their agreement but need assistance with bringing all the moving pieces together, mediation can be utilized to accomplish resolution without advocating contrary positions in court or having to appear before a judge.

Mediation strives to enable both parties to meet their needs and wants while preserving emotional and financial well-being. Mediation facilitates creative solutions that would not otherwise be available in a litigation model. In mediation, trade offs can look very different vs. the more precise mathematical approach to equal division principles or 50%/50% custody arrangements. We work together to structure what works best for your unique situation, your children, and your stations in life. Unlike the litigation model, mediation provides each party with the opportunity to have direct rather than in-direct communication about what is important and what terms to include in agreements. Inevitably when involved in litigation, the community nest egg begins to dwindle. Family law trials cost tens of thousands of dollars due to formal discovery processes (depositions, document demands, interrogatories and formal inspections), trial preparation, trial attendance, and post-trial processes. Family law trials can cost as little as $10,000 and can exceed $100,000 in complex matters. As a former Senior Litigation Paralegal, I appreciate that sometimes trial is necessary and/or unavoidable, but this should be the exception, not the rule. Mediating your family law case permits both parties to have input into the ultimate resolution of their case, it allows for outside-of-the-box solutions, and it saves parties thousands of dollars in legal fees.

There is no substitute for experience. As a Paralegal/Senior Litigation Paralegal, I have drafted thousands of documents and agreements throughout my career. It is not the role of your family law mediator to provide legal advice to the parties. As a former Paralegal, the boundaries of legal advice are very clear to me. I encourage my mediation clients to seek the advice of an attorney when they have questions about their legal rights or legal obligations.

Center of Understanding Mediation Model. I have participated in a gold standard mediation training program, learning how to support parties working through conflict or engaging in other important conversations in a different way. The Understanding-Based Mediation Model focuses on guiding parties to gain a deeper understanding of one another to facilitate making well-informed choices together in a respectful manner. Highlights of the training, Working Creatively with Conflict, include:

  • Using positive neutrality to support one another without taking sides

  • Using the Loop of Understanding model to enhance understanding

  • Development of creative options to meet differing needs and interests

  • Building the groundwork for the parties making effective and lasting decisions currently and in the future

As a Sonoma County Legal Document Assistant (LDA No. 000086), I can assist you and your partner with preparing the legal documents necessary to commence, process, and complete your dissolution or other family law matter. Prior to my 30-year career as a Senior Litigation Paralegal, I was a Superior Court Family Law Clerk. I possess the knowledge, skill, and tools to thoroughly, accurately, and successfully complete your family law case.

If attorney consultation is needed, I have the contacts, resources and relationships to steer parties in the right direction.

LDA Fee Schedule for Mediation Cases

Electing a cooperative and transparent approach will make a difference in your life, your finances, and your future relationship with one another.