• Non-CPA Accounting Services

    Preparation of accountings and spreadsheets by Brittany Randall, MAcc.

    Our accountings and document collection can help you track post-separation spending, allocation of spending on credit cards; transactions through joint accounts; payment of debt with earnings after separation; support/arrearage logs; and other family law spreadsheets which saves time and legal fees.

  • Family Law Referrals

    Not sure about which family law approach to consider? I provide guidance to assemble your team of family law professionals.

    Explanations about Litigation, Mediation, Limited Scope Representation, and Collaborative Law.

    Important considerations when selecting your attorney, therapist, forensic CPA, appraiser, pension actuary, and other family law professionals.

  • Let's Organize and Mobilize!

    Let's Organize and Mobilize!

    Are you buried in paper and not sure what your attorney or experts need to prepare your disclosure documents, respond to discovery, or file requests on your behalf? It can be difficult to know where to begin.

    With decades of family law experience in complex cases, I can help you gather and organize your information, documents and questions for your legal team.

  • Electronic Document Management

    Electronic Document Management

    In this day and age, most law firms are paperless. By thoughtfully organizing, scanning, saving, and providing documents to your attorney and experts electronically, you will save time and money once your information is in the hands of your legal team.

    More importantly, being organized on your end will insure you are heard and understood even when the issues are complex.