As your Divorce Coach and Certified Divorce Specialist, I can help you successfully navigate through your case with insight, clarity, and purpose to facilitate a more positive family law experience while preserving your time, money and emotional well-being

  • What can I expect as the divorce process unfolds and where do I begin?

  • Where should I focus my time, money and emotional resources?

  • What potential challenges and obstacles should I anticipate?

  • What will my life look life after this is behind me?



You’ve made the decision to take the next step, so where do you start? As your Divorce Coach and Certified Divorce Specialist, I can share with you what this might look like. With over 75,000 hours of family law experience as a litigation paralegal working one-on-one with thousands of clients and involvement with each type of representation model (consulting attorneys, mediation processes, collaborative divorce, full-service attorney cases, limited scope cases, and unbundled services) throughout my career, from that vantage point, I can provide insight and guidance in your selection of the representation model that best meets your needs.

There is no substitute for experience. For more than 30 years I worked as a litigation paralegal for a successful boutique family law litigation firm which focused on high conflict and complex custody, property, support, and divorce cases. I have an in-depth knowledge of therapeutic involvement/teams, custody evaluation processes, self-employed business structures, intricate property issues, complicated reimbursement issues, long-term spousal support issues, and countless other family law situations. As your Divorce Coach, I am able to draw on this experience and involvement in the behind-the-scenes orchestration of cases as I guide and support my coaching clients through their unique situation.

Working through your divorce. We will work together through your specific situation to glean what is needed so you enter the family law process prepared, informed, supported, realistic and credible. This enables you to get down to the business of divorce when meeting with your attorney, experts, the court, and/or a mediator.

My commitment to you. Given my unwavering commitment to my clients, I limit the number of cases on my caseload so I am readily available to meet my clients’ needs and the demands of their cases which are often beyond their control. As your Divorce Coach, I provide guidance while honoring and supporting the roles of your other divorce professionals, helping you get the most out of these relationships while saving time, money, and hassle.

We partner together as the process unfolds, and through our working relationship we tackle:

  • The exploration of initial decision making before filing a family law case.

  • Effective tools for communication with your soon-to-be former spouse, your attorney, and the others involved in your case.

  • Assembling and understanding the divorce team in more complicated cases such as financial experts, appraisers, actuarial services, therapists, and other legal professionals.

  • Organizing your thoughts, questions, and goals for a more streamlined and productive working relationship with your attorney/legal team.

  • Gathering the necessary information and documents to address support, custody, property and reimbursement issues.

  • Depicting complex information in a straightforward manner to increase understanding by the professionals and others involved in your case.

  • Difficult decisions or processes that are being contemplated.

    Why I became a Divorce Coach after my Family Law Paralegal Career

    In my 30 year career as a Family Law Litigation Paralegal, I witnessed some clients losing or giving up control over the process, decision making, and outcome of their case while others thrived. Being on the inside of family law cases, I was convinced there had to be a better way for clients to engage in the family law process. I found the answer in Divorce Coaching. My simple goal and business model is to positively impact a client’s overall family law experience.

    I know professionally and personally that divorce can be one of life’s biggest challenges. The end of a relationship and the commencement of the divorce process can be daunting, made even more so, when children are involved. Clients who are supported throughout their divorce in understanding and meeting the demands of the legal process find they can stay focused on their priorities and are better able to make challenging decisions.

    I can be your skilled thinking partner as you navigate your family law legal matter while helping you determine what is important to get through and beyond this process.

About the CDC Certified Divorce Coach® Program

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